Wednesday, February 23, 2011

18 months!

So fresh and so clean!

Watching my favorite show before bed - Mickey Mouse!

Me and uncle Jake watching hockey

Reading to Daddy
I have a thing with every one's shoes

I HAVE to help vacuum every time! My Mom and Dad
hope I like it when I am older too.
Mmmmm! That was a good Popsicle!

Very content watching hockey

Nolan had his 18 month checkup today. Everything went really well, minus his panic attack while he got weighed and got his ears checked. He also got a few shots that Danny got to sit with him for while I sat in the waiting room listening to him scream and yell for me, but he survived! He also said his first full sentence during the appointment..."I WANT MY MOMMY!" We had to laugh and were completely surprised to hear an actual sentence. He does repeat just about everything we say and has added many words to his vocabulary, mainly names. Some new words: Tyler, Kyler, Holly, Jordon, Sydney, Scott, Casey, Mike, Jake, Katie, Krissy, Please!!!, Pop (for Popsicle), Love you, Mickey, blanket, Fight (for some reason he says this when we watch hockey), Food, Fork, Water, Stick, Puck, Cold, Done, Full, Poop...basically he tries to say everything we ask him to say. When we ask him who his best friend is he usually says Bauer. He is obsessed with watching Mickey Mouse and Hockey. He cannot go a day without eating a popsicle, they are a must have favorite for him. He is a typical toddler though with his eating habits. One day he will eat great, the next he just throws his food. Very frustrating! Nolan's sister is doing great too. I am starting to feel her move a lot and I am measuring right on. I am anxious for her to come but still have lots to do before she gets here.

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