Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm Standing!!

Haha Mom! Catch me if you can!

Who needs a nap when you can jump!

One of my first days standing!

Wow! We can hardly blink our eyes these days without Nolan getting into something or standing up on something. He is everywhere and loves every minute of making me chase him! Now that he can stand and jump up and down in his crib he no longer thinks he needs to nap! He used to lay down and fall right to sleep, now he knows that jumping is much more fun. He jumps and yells "dadadada"! A car ride is now used for a much needed nap. This past week Nolan was sick with Hand-Foot-and-Mouth disease. It started with a fever of almost 104, then we went to the doctor the next day to find out that he had canker sores covering his throat. Of course my poor man had to get the sores in his mouth and not on his hands or feet. (I take that back...he had one small red dot on his hand). I felt so bad for him. I have never seen him so miserable. Luckily I worked late all week so I got to be home with him all day. On top of that his top teeth are getting VERY close. Hopefully they pop through soon, so he can quit sucking on his blankie. Tomorrow I get to celebrate my first Mother's Day. I had no idea how wonderful being a mom could be. I have so much to be thankful for and so many great memories to look forward to. We are blessed to have Nolan!

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