Wednesday, March 24, 2010

One thing after another....

I'm 7 Months!
I love the new car my G'ma B got me! I even make
sure my hands are at 10 and 2!

I actually liked my Neb treatments

I'm getting close to crawling

Future Best Buds!

Nolan is 7 months old!! This past month has been filled with lots of new things good and bad. We are so happy to say that Nolan FINALLY has both of his bottom teeth!! After a long few months with rosie cheeks, drooling, being very fussy and sleepless nights, he finally got some teeth. He has been a very happy boy for the past few weeks not dealing with sore gums...but of course he obviously has many more teeth that have to pop through, so we are starting over with the whole teething bit. My poor guy is having a tough time again with more teeth, so hopefully the next ones come sooner. Another thing Nolan has started to do is get up on his hands and knees and starts to rock back and forth...thinking very hard on how to crawl. It is so funny to watch him think through what he wants to do. He is getting close, but still falls to his belly and gets angry. He is extremely intrigued with his hands lately and is really in love with sucking on his toes and pulling his socks off. Bauer and him are also becoming really good friends! They both really like each other. Bauer really likes cuddling up next to him when he is on the floor playing and Bauer tries to bring his toys to Nolan to play with him. We get such a kick out of it. On the down side Nolan has finally got over 2 weeks of being sick. It started with watery eyes and runny nose, then lead to a sinus infection, then finally we brought him back in with a horrible cough and was told he had bronchitis and he was on Neb treatments. I absolutely hated that Albuterol nebulizer. Nolan got so crazy on it and could not sleep and was super fussy because of it. Hopefully we won't need that again for a LONG time or ever! Hope everyone else is staying healthy! We are also enjoying the longer days and nicer weather!!

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