Tuesday, October 6, 2009

6 weeks

Nolan is still as wonderful as ever! On Saturday, Oct 3rd Nolan spent his first night in his crib and slept through the night! He was getting a little big for his bassinet and was starting to sleep really well at night so we decided it was time to send him to his room! Since then he has done well and we are able to keep a good eye on him with our video monitor...it's great. He is very much a morning person like his dad and is so smiley and happy whenever he wakes up. However, he is also a very stubborn boy and fights going to sleep. He is also starting to giggle when we talk and sing to him. I am not sure if he is giggling with us or at us : ) Danny is starting to play a game with him to "see how strong he is". He holds Nolan's hands and let's him stand up on his lap and tells Nolan how strong he is...Nolan just loves it and smiles the whole time. I love to watch! We can't forget about Bauer...not only because we still love him after Nolan, but he also won't let us forget about him! Poor Bauer has been dealing with a sore leg and has been limping for a few weeks. We have brought him to the Vet and are trying some anti-inflammatory and pain meds. If he continues to limp we have to bring him back for x-rays which he would have to be sedated for since he is so hyper. Until then we have to limit his activity, which is extremely hard considering his energy level. He continues to be very good with Nolan...lately he has been very jealous and thinks that when I am not holding Nolan he gets to be on my lap. He is hard to say no too! Nolan also is very intrigued by him and just stares at him when he is around. Our boys are good!


  1. So cute Emily! I can not believe he is already 6 weeks old, crazy how fast it all goes. Take Care! ~Michelle

  2. WOW Emily! He is so cute! Love that smile!
