Friday, October 30, 2009

Shots : (

Nolan had his 2 month appointment yesterday, Oct 29th. He got his first round of shots which was much harder on me than it was on him. He was a trooper and fell asleep soon after he got them so I didn't think he would have a bad day after all, but I was wrong. As soon as he woke up from his nap he cried and cried, would not eat, was vomiting, had a low grade fever, and I am sure was pretty sore. I felt so bad that there wasn't anything I could do for him. Finally by about 7pm Danny got him to fall asleep for a little nap and was out for the night by 8:30. He slept good like usual and was a whole new baby today. I am glad it didn't last any longer than it did. The rest of his appointment went pretty well though. He will definitely take after his parents in height, which he is at the 50th percentile for, and he will take after his Dad for weight and head circumference which he is at the 25th percentile for. We have a little man on our hands, but perfect to us of course. We were also suggested to try a new formula called Nutramigen, which will hopefully help Nolan with both his acid reflux and help him go to the bathroom easier. So far he does not seem to like it, so I am mixing it with his other formula and am hoping he will drink it and learn to like it so he can become a more comfortable little guy. For the first time today, Nolan sat in his swing for 30 minutes without making a peep and then fell asleep on his own for 2 hours! I am sure this is a normal thing for lots of babies, but not mine so I was very thrilled. I am not sure if it was from trying the new formula or just from him being exhausted from yesterday. I am hoping this formula will do the trick!

Bauer also made a visit to the vet the other day and is on antibiotics for an infected paw. I am sure he will survive! ; ) Tomorrow we will go trick or treating with Nolan and he will be dressed as a pea-in-the-pod. I hope he cooperates for all of our stops. We will post pictures of that too. Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

2 Months Old!!

I can hardly believe that Nolan is already 2 months old! The time has gone so fast, and I can only imagine how fast it will continue to go. Nolan is still doing very well sleeping in his crib and is still a very good sleeper! With all of the flu going around I have been keeping Nolan in more. Even though I have been keeping him in, I think he may have gotten something last week. He is such a smiley boy and for about 3 days I did not see him smile and he didn't really "talk" like he usually does. I knew something was bothering him since I heard a cry I had never heard. It was so sad, but he is all smiles now. For the Gopher series Danny and I went to the game on Saturday night and Nolan got to have his first sleep over with Grandma Barb. We were smart though, and had Bauer stay there as well since he gets up more than Nolan! My mom got lucky because both of our boys slept through the night. I think he is also going through a growth spurt. I cannot believe how much he is eating least twice as much as he was a week ago! He is a growing boy, so I may as well get used to it. I always hesitate to give him his bottle when he fusses, since it seems like he had just ate, but it is what he wants and he gulps it all up! He also still loves, loves, loves his bath time! Danny and I just laugh at how much fun he has. He splashes and kicks and laughs and smiles. This is usually a very good time for us to "talk" with him, and it is a guaranteed good time. We used to put his bathtub in our kitchen sink, but we have now moved to the actual bathtub since he kicks so much and gets water everywhere!!! There is no stopping him when he is in the tub. We are looking forward to trick or treating with Nolan for his first Halloween. He is going to be a Pea in a Pod. I hope he doesn't mind the outfit and cooperates while we go see grandmas and grandpa and maybe a few other relatives. It should be fun. To update from our last post...Bauer is all better and got to go to daycare today and still not limping! I was just as excited for him to go to daycare so I had one less thing to worry about. He should sleep good tonight! I hope you enjoy the pictures. You can see how jealous Bauer is in the one where Bauer is trying to lay on me while I hold Nolan! He is like this all day. You would think he never got any attention!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

6 weeks

Nolan is still as wonderful as ever! On Saturday, Oct 3rd Nolan spent his first night in his crib and slept through the night! He was getting a little big for his bassinet and was starting to sleep really well at night so we decided it was time to send him to his room! Since then he has done well and we are able to keep a good eye on him with our video's great. He is very much a morning person like his dad and is so smiley and happy whenever he wakes up. However, he is also a very stubborn boy and fights going to sleep. He is also starting to giggle when we talk and sing to him. I am not sure if he is giggling with us or at us : ) Danny is starting to play a game with him to "see how strong he is". He holds Nolan's hands and let's him stand up on his lap and tells Nolan how strong he is...Nolan just loves it and smiles the whole time. I love to watch! We can't forget about Bauer...not only because we still love him after Nolan, but he also won't let us forget about him! Poor Bauer has been dealing with a sore leg and has been limping for a few weeks. We have brought him to the Vet and are trying some anti-inflammatory and pain meds. If he continues to limp we have to bring him back for x-rays which he would have to be sedated for since he is so hyper. Until then we have to limit his activity, which is extremely hard considering his energy level. He continues to be very good with Nolan...lately he has been very jealous and thinks that when I am not holding Nolan he gets to be on my lap. He is hard to say no too! Nolan also is very intrigued by him and just stares at him when he is around. Our boys are good!

Nolan is a whole 6 weeks already and is changing so much. Time sure flies!