Saturday, May 28, 2011

Alaina Mae is Finally Here!!!!

Nolan is a proud Big Brother!

Kisses for Alaina

Nolan introducing Alaina to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Ready for bed

Wide Eyed Girl

First Family Picture

So cute

Nolan Checking out his new sister

Seeing Alaina for the first time

Nolan Said "I hold it!"

Just a few hours old

"Put me back!"

Nolan taking good care of his sister

Finally out of her blanket to kick and stretch

Yes it is true, Alaina Mae is finally here! Alaina Mae Marto was born on Tuesday, May 24th at 7:39am, weighing 8lbs 0.30z and was 20.5inches long. We are so happy to say that she is beautiful and healthy. We could not ask for more. It was a long few days to get her here, but she came out safe and sound. Long story short, Dan and I went in to the hospital Sunday night to get induced, but my body did not want to progress and Alaina could not tolerate the pitocin, so finally on Tuesday morning I had and urgent C-section and she was out in a flash. The hardest part about having a c-section is the weight and activity restrictions. It is killing me to not be able to hold and play with Nolan. I hope after my 2 week check-up they will give me the okay to at least pick him up! Being at home as a family has been so great. Nolan is adjusting to having a new sister very well. He likes to kiss her and really wants to "help" feed her. We feel like the luckiest people in the world right now. Everyone is happy and healthy and we are sitting on Cloud 9. Enjoy some pictures of our new addition!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Yay! I got my first trike and I can almost reach the pedals!

I really like to play T-ball and I am pretty good too!

The T is almost as tall as me! I love being outside

It is the season for baseball hats and I love to wear mine!

Well, we are only days away from having baby #2, but I am pretty sure she will come late like Nolan did. Our actual due date is Monday, May 16th. I have a non-stress test scheduled and as long as the baby is doing good I will continue to be pregnant. I just keep telling myself to be patient! She will be here before we know it. Nolan continues to keep busy and I think he is looking forward to meeting his sister. A few weeks ago Nolan did get PE tubes put in his ears due to the fact that he had fluid in his ears that would not go away. He did great and was back to his usual self shortly after surgery. A week before his tubes he got his first bout of pink eye. We were glad to get that cleared up before his tubes and he did great with the eye drops. We will update as soon as this baby greets us!