WooHoo! Finally a big boy car seat!
My Big Boy Pjs
My Big Boy Pjs
Haha Mom, I'm not ready for bed yet!
Mmmm...big people food is good!
Daddy and I being silly
Snuggling with my nanny Jenna
Books, books, and more books. I love my books!
Yes it is true! Nolan is taking some big boy steps all on his own. Once he figured out his push toy he got the courage to take some steps on his own. It seems like each day he adds a step. He can almost walk across the whole living room! Nolan is also sporting a new hair-do. We finally got his wings cut off. He thought it was pretty cool and flirted with the girl the whole time. We are pretty sure more teeth are coming, considering the past week we have had with sleepless nights and more beaver marks on the crib! But with all of these teeth Nolan has been getting (6 and counting...) eating big boy food is getting easier. If he has a bottle it is before bed and maybe before nap. Nolan is getting just about anything to eat and loves trying all of the new food. Num, Num! Also, after driving myself crazy researching convertible car seats, Nolan finally upgraded to a big boy car seat!