Thursday, April 22, 2010

On The MOVE!!!

Nolan on his way to get his favorite new toy...Bauer's
Almost there!
Getting stuck by the chair...

I really love to brush my (2) teeth!!

Such a happy boy all clean and ready for bed

Ready for his walk

Walking really poops a guy out!

Nolan is on the move! He is crawling everywhere and usually is crawling for things he should not have. His favorite things to crawl for are Bauer's toys, Bauer's food and the lamp cord. Bauer's toy is what got him to start crawling. Nolan will even take it right out of Bauer's mouth, but Bauer doesn't mind because he thinks Nolan is playing with him. I think he is even crawling in his sleep. The first week that he started to crawl he would wake himself up in the middle of the night by crawling into the corners of the crib. He also has decided that he likes to sleep on his belly... which keeps me up most of the night. With all of the new exploring Nolan is doing it is making diaper changes and getting dressed a real chore for Dan and I. He needs to be on the go at all times. Nolan also turned 8 months yesterday (4-21-09) I can't believe how big he has gotten and how fast the time has gone. He is even starting to stay up later, which we love so we can spend more time with him of course! His bedtime is usually around 8:00 and he sleeps really good at night. He even slept in until 8am last weekend! Nolan is also becoming Mr. Talkative! He really likes saying "Dadadada". Danny eats it up! He is also getting very good at eating table foods. He loves toast, waffles, crackers, potatoes, chicken rice...well lets just say he would eat solid foods all day if we kept giving it to him. He seems to be a bottomless pit. He is starting to drink from a sippy cup too, which he loves. We have added a few new things into our routine this past month...with the warm weather we try to get out for a walk everyday and we also are starting to brush Nolan's teeth. Luckily he loves to get his teeth brushed!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring is Finally Here!

My first time in the Hugo's cart! I was such a big boy...
I even got to hold the chips!
I love spring!

Me and Grandpa trying out my Easter gift

I actually like the new shades G'ma B gave me for Easter

Outside with Mom while Dad grills for us

Nolan is absolutely loving the increasingly nice weather. He is getting to be outside more often going on walks and hanging out on the deck while Dad grills. Easter was great for him as well. He took a good early afternoon nap and was up all day and did great with all of the people. He is definitely starting to take "strange" but warms up to people pretty quickly. Nolan also sat in the grocery cart for the first time last week and he loved it. Like every other firsts, I got a picture of that on my phone! He has also been eating great and we are slowly letting him try "real" food. He gets so excited over our food that I would have to say that he begs worse than Bauer does. Speaking of Bauer he has been back and forth to the vet to try to figure out some limping problems he has been having on both legs. Finally he was sedated today to be examined and to have xrays done. The xrays turned out great, but while they were examining him and tugging on his joints they got loud "pops" from each shoulder. My poor guy had some ligaments out of place, so were are happy he is not limping anymore and are hoping they don't pop out again. Life is good here...just getting excited for summer and more time outside. Enjoy more pics!