Sunday, December 27, 2009

Big Week

Nolan had quite a big week. It started out last Sunday when we decided to give him rice cereal for the first time. He seems so interested in our food, so we thought at 4 months he could try cereal and he did great. He was a little confused at first, but is starting to get the hang of it. On Sunday he also rolled from his belly to his back. This is big for him considering he absolutely hates to be on his belly and is never on his belly. He also fell asleep on his own in the crib that night, but of course that didn't last the rest of the week! On Monday the 21st he turned 4 months old, and is really starting to get fun. He loves to play with his toys and teething rings. Another thing we noticed this week is that he is kind of starting to take strange and is taking longer to warm up with others. He definitely has eyes for mommy and daddy. Then of course there was his first Christmas. He survived the craziness at the Purpur house on Christmas Eve and we enjoyed a nice quiet Christmas Day with Danny's family. Unfortunately he also spent his first Christmas with a fever and cold. My poor peanut had a rough few nights with sleep and breathing, but is feeling lots better. I think all the (many, many) gifts he got cheered him up! One last thing to report is that I caught him on Saturday sitting up on his own!! We sit him up in his boppy pillow a lot and I looked over at him to see that he pulled himself up to the sitting position to grab and toy and sat there and played with it. We were so proud! He is growing too fast.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Hockey Game!

Nolan with his Great Uncle Cliff
Nolan with my cousin Jordan. Notice that Nolan
was supporting Central by wearing his Redskins shirt!

Out to lunch for Daddy's birthday. Nolan was flirting with the waitress!

Nolan attended his first hockey game on Friday night (12-18) at the REA. We went to watch Central play Apple Valley, and of course to watch my Cousin Casey who plays for Central. He was so good and just stared down at the ice and watched very intently. I am glad it was entertaining for him! Saturday was a busy day for us. It was Danny's birthday so we went to lunch, then went to watch Central's 3rd period, then went to my little cousin Luc's hockey game, then went to Dan's parent's for dinner. Nolan was so good and flexible! Hope everyone is well. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My sick boys : (

This past week has been a little up and down. Nolan did enjoy his first Thanksgiving and had lots of fun and was entertained by many family members. He did really good all day, but by about 6 he had had enough and was pretty wore out by all the stimulation. Along with with his first Thanksgiving came his first sickness. He got the diarrhea bug that was going around daycare. He did not seem too bothered by it, except that it woke him up during the night...which meant us too! To top it off he got his first cold a few days later. My poor little man was so congested that he had a hard time sleeping, so he was kind of a crabby boy for a few days. I worked 3-11 all week so I was glad to be home with him while he was sick, but I was sure exhausted by the end of the week. He did get lots of Grandma time too this week. My mom came over to watch Nolan from the time I went to work till Danny came home, and Priscilla came over Monday and Wednesday night while Dan had curling and was out of town for work. Another new thing this past week was that I tried switching Nolan to a milk based formula that was lactose free to try to ween him off the soy formula. I am so happy to say that he liked it and does not seem fussy from the switch!
Our week ended with even more Grandma time for Nolan while I brought Danny to the ER in the middle of the night on Thursday. He woke up with bad chest pain and some tingling in his left arm. He thought at first it was really bad heart burn, but being the worry wart I am we called my mom over at 2AM and I took Dan in. I knew he was in a lot of pain because he actually went to the ER and I drove! I never drive! They took some tests and he was finally diagnosed with pericarditits, which is inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart. They think it was caused by a virus. Dan was admitted to the hospital for the day for some monitoring and to get an ultrasound on his heart to confirm the diagnosis and to make sure there wasn't anything else wrong with his heart. He is doing great and should be back to 100% within a week or two. He just has to take anti-inflammatories to keep the inflammation down and to help with the pain, and of course he is suppose to take it easy. He sure got us all worried, but I am so thankful it wasn't anything worse...although I was really hoping for a diagnosis of heartburn! To top off the week, I woke up the next night to Bauer throwing up. Not sure what was going on with him but he seems to be all better now too! My boys sure have given me a run for my money this week, but things are looking up! Nolan goes back to daycare this week and I get to go back to the day shift at work. Enjoy more Nolan pics.